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Animals That Are Extinct

Extinction: The Loss of Species

Causes of Extinction

Various factors contribute to animal extinctions, from natural processes like evolution and gradual environmental shifts to human-induced threats like habitat destruction, overhunting, and pollution.

Extinct Species

Numerous species have become extinct over the course of history, including the western black rhinoceros, the Tasmanian tiger, and the woolly mammoth. Scientists estimate that many species have gone extinct for thousands to millions of years as part of the natural evolutionary process.

Climate Change as a Driver of Extinction

In recent times, climate change has emerged as a major threat to biodiversity. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events are driving extinctions at an alarming rate. Examples of climate change-driven extinctions include several frog and fish species, as well as certain orchid varieties.

Conservation Efforts

Recognizing the urgent need to protect endangered species, conservation organizations and governments worldwide are implementing various measures to mitigate extinction risks. These efforts include habitat conservation, captive breeding programs, and public education campaigns.
